BLAST/FASTA similarity searches

1. usage

1.1. job submission

There are four submission pages, which correspond to the combination of program types (BLAST and FASTA) and molecular types (nucleic and amino acid databases).

1.1.1. mandatory parameters

1.1.2. optional parameters - BLAST

The following parameters can be set. If you have to set other BLAST parameters than above, you can set them in 'other parameters' field by BLAST command line style.

1.1.3. optional parameters - FASTA

The following parameters can be set. If you have to set other FASTA parameters than above, you can set them in 'other parameters' field by FASTA command line style.

1.2. view results

If you execute similarity searches in account mode and setting to keep results on the server, you can see a list of job status and results by clicking 'Show result' link under the 'Similarity search' phrase. You can see a result by clicking corresponding Job ID.
This page is also used to remove unnecessary results.

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